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"How to Enjoy Walking, Running, and Dancing Pain-Free: Tips and Techniques for a Healthy Active Lifestyle"

joints pain like knee pain, low back ache, cervical pain etc...makes our daily activity restricted. Most common and most disabling condition of today's modern life style. Point is from where it starts and where will it end. today we will talk about all the points of joints pain condition.

Now main point is how it start or common reason of joints pain

1. deficiency of Minerals or nutrients in our body.

2. Erosion of articular cartilage.

3. Increase in Uric Acid Level.

4. Increase in Rheumatoid Factor.

5. Nerve Compression.

6. Reduced joints space.

these are basic reason of onset of joints pain. If we can treat these conditions we can definitely get rid of joints pain and can live a healthy life without pain.

So what is the treatment for is it :

A. deficiency of Minerals or Nutrients -- Start taking Supplements.

B. Erosion of Articular cartilage --- Intra articular injection of Fluid etc...

C. Increase of Uric Acid Level --- Start medication like febuxostat, allopurinol etc..

D. Increase in Rheumatoid Factor --- Pain killers or steroids

E. Nerve compression, Reduced Joints Space ---- Surgery

Answer is NO a big NO

to get rid of reasons we have to go to the origin of the reason why it happened, if we can change it we can cure it for the life time. Point wise we will discuss about the reason and how we can treat it.

A. Deficiency of Nutrients : first of all we should know what all minerals and nutrients are required for our body and what all we are taking in our diet. Their required quantity and quality the quantity we are taking. how short we are falling in requirement.

main thing why we are falling short of nutrients are we not taking enough or there is some other reason. for complete absorption we need a perfectly functioning digestive system and a healthy gut for this. (In next blog we will talk about it )

B. Erosion of Articular cartilage : Main reason for this is our GAIT pattern and posture abnormality. Our Shoes also plays an major role in disruption of articular cartilage. Way how we walk and how climb up and down also responsible for the same.

C. Increase of Uric Acid Level : There are two main reason for this one is intake of food with high level of urea and uric acid, Second is hampered filtration system of our body.

D. Increase in Rheumatoid Factor : Rheumatoid factor increases mainly because of infection in our body. Smoking, alcohol consumption, over eating of junk food.

E. Nerve compression, Reduced Joints Space : main reason for this is posture while performing different activity of life. If we perform daily routine activity without taking care of right posture it will cause push and pull imbalance in muscle and it will result in the misaligned joints .

so do you really think you need to take harmful chemicals to treat your joints pain or u need to go under the knife for pain free life. NO you wont need any of this.

in next blog we will talk about how we can improve it without any medicine or surgery.

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